CLA 008 World Classical Cultures

Instructor: Shennan Hutton

Lecture MW 1:10 PM 2:00 PM OLSON 00118 
Discussion F 1:10 PM 2:00 PM HART 01150

Course Description: The Eurocentric focus of Classics on Greece, Rome and to a lesser extent, Mesopotamia and Egypt has recently been challenged by scholars within and outside the discipline. This course responds by addressing other ancient cultures - Han China, Maurya South Asia, Maya Mesoamerica, and others – that established the foundations of regional cultures, just as the Mesopotamians, Egyptians, Greeks and Romans did in the Mediterranean region - and gave rise to persistent cultural traditions, by situating the structures, history, literature and art of each culture within its own historical, social and cultural context. The course content will begin with problematizing the concepts of civilization and classical roots, which will culminate in the construction of an analytical framework with which to compare ancient cultures and their long-term impact on regions and the modern world.

  • General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH); Visual Literacy (VL); World Cultures (WC); Writing Experience (WE).