CLA 030 Word Roots
Instructor: Kathleen Cruz
TR 1:40 PM 3:00 PM
In this course, we will learn Latin and Greek word roots to help us better understand, use, and appreciate the English language. Approximately 65% of English vocabulary comes from Greek and Latin; if we consider the specialized terminology of law, medicine, biology, and other sciences, this share goes as high as 90%. By learning the ancient elements that combine to form English words, students will dramatically expand their understanding of the English language and their ability to use it effectively in speaking and writing.
As we build these skills over the quarter, we will also consider English’s historical trajectory and discover why it is that Latin and Greek have come to play such a significant role within it. Throughout, we’ll keep our eyes on the ways in which the English language is a living and constantly changing organism and discuss how best to appreciate its many different forms.
- General Education: Arts & Humanities (AH).