CLA 176 Roman Religions

Although the names and stories of the Roman gods are well-known, the actual religion(s) practiced by the Romans is much less familiar. Myths are only one component of a complex religious tradition that changed over time as the Romans and their society grew in power. This course begins with evidence of the earliest religious beliefs, rituals and practices in the Roman republic. It will explore gods worshipped in and near Rome, rituals and festivals held in the city and throughout the growing state, and the role of sacred places, sacrifice and magic. We will analyze the relationship between religion and gender, social status and identity. The course covers influences from other cultures and the mystery cults during the republic, principate and later empire, and concludes with the transition to Christianity as a state religion. There will be one 5-6 page paper, two exams, and one project. There are no prerequisites. GE credit: AH, WC, WE.