LAT 100 Readings in Latin Prose

C. Seal

Lecture/Discussion MTWR 3:10 PM 4:00 PM WELLMN 00101

This is the intermediate Latin course, designed for students who have taken our LAT 001-002-003 sequence, or its equivalent. It functions as the bridge to our other upper division Latin courses. If you have questions about whether this course is right for you, do not hesitate to contact Elizabeth Harvey (

This course offers a systematic review of Latin grammar and an introduction to the reading of unadapted Latin prose. We will read a selection of Roman letters while consolidating command of Latin forms and syntax. Emphasis is laid on practical strategies for reading, and students will finish the course able to read Latin with greatly enhanced comfort, confidence, accuracy, and speed.

Required texts:

Floyd Moreland and Rita Fleischer, Latin: An Intensive Course (University of California Press)

Cecelia A. E. Luschnig, Latin Letters: Reading Roman Correspondence (Focus/Hackett)

Cassell’s Latin Dictionary (Collins Reference)

Prerequisite: Latin 003 or the equivalent.

GE credit: AH.