Position Title
Active Professor Emerita of Classics
Education and Degree(s):
- Ph.D., Comparative Literature, University of California, Berkeley
- A.M., Comparative Literature, University of California, Berkeley
- A.B., Classics (Phi Beta Kappa), College of Wooster
Research Interest(s):
- Classical receptions
- late antiquity
- the twelfth century
- mapping the world in the Middle Ages
- medieval histories and monastic chronicles
Course(s) Taught:
- Winter 2018: CLA 30 Greek and Latin Elements of the English Language; LAT 102 Imperial Latin: Pliny the Elder; Spring 2018: CLA 101 C: The Roman Triumph; CLA 190 Senior Seminar: The World of Late Antiquity
Committees and Service:
- Committee on Committees, UCD; 2017-18
- Medieval and Early Modern Studies, Program Committee, UCD
- Studies in Late Antiquity, A Journal, Associate Editor
- California History - Social Science Project, Statewide Advisory Board, 2007-present.
Selected Publications:
The Medieval Peutinger Map: Imperial Roman Revival in a German Empire (Cambridge University Press, 2014).
Violence in Late Antiquity: Perceptions and Practices, co-edited with H.A. Drake et al. (Hampshire, England and Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2006).
The Normans in Their Histories: Propaganda, Myth, and Subversion (Boydell and Brewer, 2001).
Christianity: A Social and Cultural History, 2nd ed., with Howard Clark Kee, Carter Lindberg, J. William Frost, and Dana Robert (Prentice Hall, 1998). Six chapters, slightly revised from the 1991 Macmillan edition.
Through the Eye of a Needle: Judeo-Christian Roots of Social Welfare, ed. with Carter Lindberg (Thomas Jefferson University Press, 1994).
Recent Articles:
"The Roman Heritage of Medieval World Maps'" forthcoming in Peregrinations: Jounal of Medieval Art and Architecture.
"Worldly Woe and Heavenly Joy: The Tone of the Historia Ecclesiastica," in Orderic Vitalis: Life, Works and Interpretations, ed. Charles C. Rozier, Daniel Roach, Giles E. M. Gasper, and Elisabeth van Houts (Boydell, 2016), 217-46.
Review of Scott Fitzgerald Johnson, Literary Territories: Cartographical Thinking in Late Antiquity, in Religious Studies Review 42 no. 2 (December), 281.
"Antioch and the Normans," in Crusading and Pilgrimage in the Norman World, ed. Paul Oldfield and Kathryn Hurlock (Boydell and Brewer, 2015), 159-75.
"The Battle of the Maps in a Christian Empire," in The Transformation of City and Citizenship in the Classical World: From the Fifth Century BCE to the Fifth Century CE, ed. Claudia Rapp and Harold Drake (Cambridge University Press, 2014), 202-16.
"Fulgentius the Mythoclast: Cooling Pagan Passions in Christian Late Antiquity," Electronic Antiquity 14.1 (2011), 81-94.
"Viewing Rome from the Roman Empires," in Twelfth Century Rome: Mirror of Mediterranean Religions, ed. Louis Hamilton and Stefano Riccioni. A special issue of the journal Medieval Encounters: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Cultures in Confluence and Dialogue 17 (2011), 392-509.
"Normans and the Kingdom of the English," Chapter Four in Nations in Medieval Britain, ed. Hirokazu Tsurushima (Shaun Tyas, 2010), 61-70. Slightly revised from Seiyoshi Kenkyu article of 2007).
Review of Amanda Jane Hingst, The Written World: Past and Place in the Work of Orderic Vitalis, in The American Historical Review 115, no. 4 (October), 1204-5.
"Disarming Aeneas: Fulgentius on Arms and the Man," in The Power of Religion in Late Antiquity, ed. Andrew Cain and Noel Lenski (Ashgate, 2009), 21-30.
"Rethinking the Peutinger Map," in Cartography in Antiquity and the Middle Ages: Fresh Perspectives, New Methods, ed. Richard Talbert and Richard W. Unger (Brill, 2008), 111-119.
"Gladiator at the Millennium," in Celluloid Classics: New Perspectives on Classical Antiquity in Modern Cinema, ed. Kirsten Day, Arethusa 41, no. 1 (winter 2008), 185-204.
"Normans and the Making of the Kingdom of the English," Seiyoshi Kenkyu (Study of Occidental History) 36 (2007), 199-210.
Review of Alessandro Scafi, Mapping Paradise: A History of Heaven on Earth, Isis 98, no. 4 (December 2007), 817-818.
"The Reichenau Map? Rethinking the Peutinger Map," AVISTA Forum Journal 16 (2006), 36-37.
Review of Kenneth Baxter Wolf, trans., The Deeds of Count Roger of Calabria and Sicily and of his Brother Duke Robert Guiscard, Speculum 81, no.3 (July 2006), 850-852.
"Imperial Geography and the Medieval Peutinger Map," Imago Mundi 57 (2005), 136-148.
"Probing the Passions of a Norman on Crusade: The Gesta Francorum et aliorum Hierosolimitanorum," Anglo-Norman Studies 27 (2005), 1-15.
"Maps, Texts, and Travels in the Middle Ages: Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 39th International Congress on Medieval Studies, 6 May 2004, Kalamazoo, MI," with Natalia Lozovsky, AVISTA Forum Journal 14 (2004). 68-72.
"The Normans and Their Myths," Haskins Society Journal 11 (2003), 123-135.
Review of Jon Soloman, The Ancient World in the Cinema, in Classical World 96, no. 4 (2003), 454-5.
Teaching Experience:
Classics: Greek, Roman, and Near Eastern mythology; Greek and Latin elements in English vocabulary; film and the Classical world; Greek and Roman comedy; senior seminar: the world of late antiquity; the classical tradition in Washington, D.C. (UCDC Center).
Greek: Readings in Greek prose.
Latin: Elementary Latin; readings in Latin prose (Julius Caesar, Cicero, Pliny the Elder); Roman comedy; Lucretius; Catullus; Vergil: Aeneid; Horace: Odes and Epodes; Ovid; Silver Age Latin; Medieval Latin.
Middle English: Chaucer: Troilus and the “minor” poems.
History: Women in the Middle Ages.
Graduate teaching: Approaches to the Classical past; History seminar on the ancient and medieval Troy tradition; multi-campus UC seminars on late antiquity (the Mediterranean in late antiquity; education in late antiquity) – team-taught / video-conferenced.
Current Projects:
Casus Sancti Galli, translation and notes, with Natalia Lozovsky; under contract with Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library.
"The Roman Worldview and Its Legacy" in festschrift honoring Hirokazu Tsurushima; ed. David Roffe; Boydell and Brewer.
Pliny the Elder, Natural History (selections), translation for Classic Readings on Monster Theory: Demonstrare, vol. 2, ed. Asa Mittman and Marcus Hensel, in press with Arc Humanities Press, a division of Medieval Publications at Western Michigan University.
Honors and Awards:
- UC Davis Honors Program Faculty Award for Outstanding Teaching, 2017
- UC Davis Distinguished Teaching Award for Undergraduate Teaching, 2014
- APA Prize for Scholarly Outreach (with 4 UC colleagues), 2007
- UC Davis Faculty Development Award, 2000-01
- Denis Bethell Prize (Haskins Society)
- UC Davis Humanities Institute Fellow, 1997-98
- American Council of Learned Societies Fellow, 1994-95
- N.E.H. summer stipend, 1994
- Lilly Endlwment research grant, 1990
- Bunting Institute Fellow, Radcliffe Institute, 1977-79
- Phi Beta Kappa