Position Title
Senior Lecturer in Classics
Education and Degree(s):
- Ph.D., Classics, University of California, Berkeley
- A.B., Greek, Latin, and German, University of Illinois, Chicago
Research Interest(s):
- Latin and Greek Language
- Latin and Greek Literature
- Greek Religion
- Ancient Eroticism
- Ancient Philosophy
Course(s) Taught:
- LAT 1/2/3: Elementary Latin
- Horace
- Lucretius
- Mythology
- Etymology
- Greek Prose
Selected Publications:
Review of Thomas Hubbard, Homosexuality in Greece and Rome, Mouseion 6 (2006) 74-77.
"The Naturalist Platonism of Jack London's The Red One," Excavatio 19 (2004) 334-47.
"Pozo Moro, Child Sacrifice and the Greek Legendary Tradition," Journal of Biblical Literature 123 (2004) 425-447.
"The Epicurean Morality of Vergil's Bucolics," Classical World 96 (2003) 159-177.
Review of Iaroslav Lebedynsky, Les Scythes: La civilisation des steppes (VIIe-IIIe siècles av. J.-C.), Journal of Indo-European Studies 31 (2003) 453-456.
Review of Dirk Steuernagel, Menschenopfer und Mord am Altar: Griechische Mythen in etruskischen Gräbern, in the Journal of Indo-European Studies 29 (2001) 417-20.
"The Vegetarianism of Empedocles," Ancient World 29 (1998) 19-36.
"Hercules Comes to the Suburban Octoplex," Animation World Magazine 2.4 (July 1997) http://www.awn.com
"A Politics of Eating," American Journal of Philology 117 (1996) 179-215.