LAT 001, Sec 001 - 004 Elementary Latin

Latin 001. Elementary Latin (5 units)

Course Description: This course is for students who have never taken Latin or who want to start Latin fresh. The course is the first of three in a three quarter sequence (LAT 001, 002, and 003) that covers basic Latin grammar and vocabulary. LAT 001 is offered only once a year at UC Davis (in the Fall Quarter), so students who desire to learn Latin will have to wait another year to start Latin if they do not take it in Fall 2019.

Greek 001. Elementary Greek

Course Description: Students will enjoy a journey - in spirit and sound - to ancient Greece. The course introduces the basic grammar and vocabulary of Classical and New Testament Greek. In addition, students will read a broad selection of short passages ranging from Homer and Sappho to the New Testament. The course offers also basic introduction to ancient Greek history, literature, and mythology. Completion of the year-long sequence prepares students to read the works of Homer, Plato, Sophocles, Aristophanes, etc.

LAT 1: Elementary Latin (5 units)

Lecture—5 hour(s). Introduction to basic grammar and vocabulary and development of translation skills with emphasis on Latin to English. Students who have successfully completed LAT 002 or LAT 003 in the 10th grade or higher grade in high school may receive unit credit for this course on a P/NP grading basis only; although a passing grade will be charged to the student's P/NP option, no petition is required; all other students will receive a letter grade unless a P/NP petition is filed. GE credit: AH.

Latin 001. Elementary Latin (5 units)

Latin 001. Elementary Latin (5 units)

Course Description: This course is for students who have never taken Latin or who want to start Latin fresh. The course is the first of three in a three quarter sequence (LAT 001, 002, and 003) that covers basic Latin grammar and vocabulary. LAT 001 is offered only once a year at UC Davis (in the Fall Quarter), so students who desire to learn Latin will have to wait another year to start Latin if they do not take it in Fall 2019.

CLA 001: Ancient Near East & Early Greece (4 units)

CLA 001: Ancient Near East & Early Greece (4 units)
Timothy Brelinski

Course Description: Introduction to the literature, art, and social and political institutions of ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, Palestine, and early Greece from 3000 to 500 B.C.E. 

Prerequisite: none

GE credit: AH, WC, WE

Format: Lecture - 3 hours, Discussion - 1 hour