Position Title
Associate Professor of Classics
Education and Degree(s):
- Ph.D., Classical Studies, 1999, University of Michigan
- M.St., Classical Languages, 1992, University College, Oxford
- A.B., Classics (Latin), 1991, Harvard University
Research Interest(s):
- Roman Historiography
- Oratory, and Political Thought
- The Late Roman Republic
Course(s) Taught:
- CLA 3: Rome and the Mediterranean
- CLA 125: Roman Political Thought
- CLA 190: Senior Seminar (topics vary each term)
- GRK 105N: Attic Orators
- LAT 100: Readings in Latin Prose
- LAT 101: Livy
- LAT 104: Sallust
- LAT 112: Cicero
- LAT 118: Roman Historians
Selected Publications:
The Political Biographies of Cornelius Nepos, University of Michigan Press (2012)
Revised edition, with new introduction, of Julius Caesar, Commentaries on the Gallic War: Books 1-5 and 6.11-24 (originally published in 1918 by Francis W. Kelsey), Michigan Classical Press (2017)
This edition offers the intermediate to advanced Latin student everything he or she needs to become a proficient and confident reader Caesar's Gallic War: the complete Latin text of Books 1-5 and 6.11-24, a thorough grammatical commentary, a full Latin-English vocabulary, an internal Latin grammar cross-referenced to the usage of Caesar, and twelve color maps illustrating Caesar's campaigns and battles.
Download sample pages from the various sections of the book (pdf):
Download the Maps Packet (the 12 color maps and 2 plates) (pdf):
Kelsey Stem Caesar Maps Packet.pdf
Download the clean Latin text (Books 1-5 and 6.11-24) (docx):
Kelsey Stem Caesar BG Latin text.docx
Articles / Chapters
“Nepos’ Life of Atticus, Nicolaus’ Life of Caesar, and the Genre of Political Biography in the Age of Augustus,” in Koen de Temmerman, ed., The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Biography (forthcoming 2018)
“Exemplarity and Identity in Cornelius Nepos’ On Foreign Generals,” Papers of the Langford Latin Seminar 17 (forthcoming 2018)
“Irony and the Text of Caesar, Bellum Gallicum 5.31.5,” Classical Quarterly 67.1 (2017) 307-310
“The Gallic Insurgency of 54/53 BCE,” Ancient World 46 (2015) 65-79
“Shared Values and the Limits of Relativism in Nepos’ Epaminondas and Atticus,” Classical Journal 105.2 (2009) 123-136
“The Exemplary Lessons of Livy’s Romulus,” Transactions of the American Philological Association 137.2 (2007) 435-471
“Cicero as Orator and Philosopher: The Value of the Pro Murena for Ciceronian Political Thought,” The Review of Politics 68.2 (2006) 206-231
“The First Eloquent Stoic: Cicero on Cato the Younger,” Classical Journal 101.1 (2005/6) 37-49
“Nepos’ Atticus as a Biography of Friendship,” Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History XII, Collection Latomus 287 (2005) 115-129
“The First Word of Cicero’s Pro Murena,” Latomus 63.2 (2004) 304-309
“The Res Gestae of Augustus and the Teaching of Latin Style,” Classical Outlook 80.3 (2003) 101-106
“The Thirty at Athens in the Summer of 404,” Phoenix 57.1-2 (2003) 18-34
Other Pieces
“Cornelius Nepos” in Dee Clayman, ed., Oxford Bibliographies In Classics, Oxford University Press (2014) <http://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo-9780195389661/obo-...
“Color” in Richard F. Thomas and Jan M. Ziolkowsi, eds., The Virgil Encyclopedia, Wiley-Blackwell (2013) 284-285
“Res Gestae of Augustus” and “Varro, M. Terentius” in The Encyclopedia of Ancient History, Wiley-Blackwell (2013) 5805-5806 and 6948-6949
Posthumous editor of Robert J. Edgeworth, “The Silence of Vergil and the End of the Aeneid,” Vergilius 51 (2005) 3-11